The Effects of Mixing Alcohol and Adderall

Seek immediate medical care for serious side effects like an allergic reaction. If you’re sensitive or allergic to other stimulant medicines, you should not take Adderall. Certain other medications may interact with Adderall and cause serious side effects. Adderall is the brand name for the combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. It’s a prescription stimulant used primarily to treat ADHD or narcolepsy (daytime sleepiness).

Amphetamine High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

While these uses aren’t approved by the FDA, doctors may prescribe Adderall to treat other conditions besides ADHD and narcolepsy. This means a drug that’s approved to treat one condition is prescribed by a doctor to treat another condition that’s not approved. If you’re taking Adderall without an ADHD or narcolepsy diagnosis, this could be an off-label use.

Adderall interactions: Alcohol, medications, and other factors

If you drink alcohol, talk with your doctor about how much (if any) is safe to drink during your Adderall treatment. Drinking alcohol with Adderall could also raise your risk of certain side effects, such as dizziness, blurry vision, and headache. It could also make these side effects worse if you experience them.

Withdrawal symptoms

One study found that there was only a minimal increase in side effects when combining Strattera and alcohol, including nausea. However, please note that it’s not advised to combine the medication with alcohol. Stimulants can be addictive, and it’s possible to become dependent on them if your dosage isn’t monitored by a doctor.

In some cases, this behavior turns into drug and alcohol addiction. Adderall abuse can also reduce intoxication and hangover symptoms, allowing you to drink more. This can lead to a dangerous cycle of alcohol and Adderall abuse. Adderall can be dangerous when mixed with alcohol or other drugs.

Drinking alcohol with Adderall may increase the risk of psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions, and suspicious thoughts. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause music therapy in addiction recovery allergic reactions or other problems. Speak with your healthcare provider before consuming alcohol and ask about the risks and side effects, whether you are on medication for ADHD or not.

The largest group abusing these drugs is full-time college students. Students may use the drugs in an effort to perform better in school and reduce their ambien dosage need to sleep. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, almost 90 percent of students who misuse Adderall also binge drink alcohol.

Drinking alcohol can make insomnia worse, and a 2020 study found higher rates of alcohol intake in people with ADHD and insomnia than their non-diagnosed peers. About one in five people with a substance use disorder also have an ADHD diagnosis. Alcohol use disorder rates are higher than in the general population, but the rates are higher for cocaine and other substances, too. Some research models find that kids with ADHD ramp up their drinking patterns faster than those without ADHD. This is consistent with elevated levels of risk-taking behaviors and impulsivity. However, other factors (such as alcoholism in parents) also play a role, and it’s not clear how ADHD affects binge drinking into adulthood.

  1. Adderall is the brand name for the combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine.
  2. Adderall and modafinil are both stimulants and have some similar side effects.
  3. This means that your doctor and insurance company will need to communicate about your prescription before the insurance company will cover the drug.
  4. Adderall can lead to sudden death in people with preexisting heart conditions.
  5. How long the medication remains good can depend on many factors, including how and where the medication is stored.

Taking Adderall with one of these supplements can increase your risk of serotonin syndrome. This is a serious condition caused by a buildup of serotonin in your system. Acid-reducing drugs reduce the level of acid in your stomach. The medications are used to treat conditions such as indigestion, heartburn, or stomach ulcers. You should not drink alcohol during your Adderall treatment. Adderall can mask the effects of alcohol, so you may drink more than you usually would.

In those dependent on amphetamines, severe withdrawal can occur when the medication is abruptly stopped. Withdrawal symptoms can include extreme fatigue, depression, and sleep disruption. Amphetamines contained in Adderall are extensively misused. People taking amphetamines can develop extreme psychological dependence and tolerance.

However, they’ll likely have you wait at least 14 days from your last dose of the MAOI before starting Adderall treatment. Adderall has a serious interaction with drugs called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). These include MAOI antidepressants, and certain drugs for Parkinson’s disease or infections. If you have questions about how to pay for your prescription, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. To find programs that may help lower Adderall’s cost, search Medicine Assistance Tool and NeedyMeds. Also, if you’re having trouble opening your medication bottles, let your pharmacist know.

This side effect may decrease with continued use of the drug. Some people who take Adderall may experience feelings of being energetic, focused, excited, or self-confident. These effects are more likely when the medication is misused. For after-work drinking more information, see the “Adderall misuse (also called abuse)” section below. When taken at typical doses for conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Adderall doesn’t usually cause a feeling of being high.

A personalized plan may include detoxification, counseling, medication-assisted treatment, and help through support groups. Choosing a reputable, experienced treatment center may help improve the chances of a successful recovery. As always, it’s important to drink in moderation—whether you’re taking Adderall or not.